Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you see what I see?

I walked pass this "leaf" once without a second glance.  It was chance that I noticed the "leaf" move in a very unleaf like way.  How awesome is nature?  It amazes me every day.  We are so lucky to be a piece of this intricate puzzle.


  1. That is amazing! Just unbelievable. That looks just like a leaf. I've got a huge smile on my face just staring at these pictures. :)

  2. Mission accomplished! Glad you liked it!

  3. I've never seen one. didn't know there was one. I don't suppose you've found a new butterfly?

  4. No, I wish! It was the only one I saw at the Butterfly Rainforest in Gainesville, Fl. Next time I go I am going to try to find out the name.

  5. Love it! Your work is great Rachael, I think you are more than ready to seek out your career as a photographer. If there is anything I can do to help you out let me know. And thank you for your comments. I'm glad that I can inspire you to pursue your love of photography. You are more than welcome to visit Maine in the winter. Though you may not get home til spring.

  6. HA! I may not WANT to leave until the spring! Your words are encourgaing for me. It's a path I really want to explore for myself. It's a big help to have someone of your caliber think I could do. Thank you so much. I am sure I will have tons of questions as I progress so thanks for offer of help.

  7. I never would have spotted that one!
