Monday, April 12, 2010

Macro Monday

This little green anole greeted me at my front gate yesterday afternoon. Then he posed for me too! I was really happy to see this native Floridian in my yard. We don't see the greens as often as we use to down here. Unfortunately, the larger, more aggressive brown and invasive anole is taking over.


  1. What an amazing looking creature! We don't have these where I live.

  2. Beautiful creature and well done photos.

  3. Oh, isn't he pretty! We had the same thing happen here with our red squirrels being dominated by the more aggressive greys. Sad to see, but I suppose, just survival of the fittest in action ...

  4. Really cute little lizzard.
    If my best friend would have seen this picture she would just have sreemed her lungs out *LOL*
